04 March 2022
Transportation forms the foundation on which Oldenburger|Fritom is built. What started with a horse-drawn vehicle in 1917, has now evolved into solutions for road transportation, air freight, sea freight and intermodal transportation. Over the past 105 years, Oldenburger|Fritom has developed in line with fundamental changes in the field of transportation. Above all, however, it has been customer demand that has led our company to continuously strive for flexibility and innovation.
Entrepreneurial spirit
At the end of World War I, the then 37-year-old farmhand Jan Oldenburger decided to start his own transportation company in Veendam. His first customer was brick factory W. Everts & Co., also located in Veendam. Over time, Oldenburger noticed that in addition to bricks, there was also a great demand among construction companies for sand. In order to efficiently meet this demand, Oldenburger started his second line of business transporting sand. That is also why he purchased his first truck in 1929. Three more trucks followed in the 1930s.
Oldenburger & Sons - Oldenburger & Zonen
World War II was the first real crisis for Jan Oldenburger. Although he managed to secure the valuable tires, the occupier confiscated his trucks. Meanwhile, Oldenburger's sons were also working within the company. In 1945 he registered them as partners at the Chamber of Commerce. Together they continued as Oldenburger & Sons (Oldenburger & Zonen). They mainly transported sand, gravel, manure and flour. In short, products with high demand in those post-war years.
Expansion in the 70s, 80s and 90s
At the age of 17, Jurjen Oldenburger started working in the company of his father, founder Jan Oldenburger. Jurjen's sons, Jan, Willy and Simon, continued the company in 1968 under the name Oldenburger Brothers (Gebroeders Oldenburger). It was they who signed for the expansion in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. They built a fleet of trucks and in 1975 about ten drivers were employed. In those years, the foundation was also laid for our current partnership with Avebe, a main manufacturer of potato starch.
Logistics services
When there are no successors in the family in 1999, there is no Oldenburger descendant at the helm for the first time in more than 80 years. However, our company remains a real family business: the Fritom Logistic Solutions Group is taking over our company. It is the same period in which the concept of ‘logistics service provision’ is becoming more widely known. Transportation is no longer the only solution for customers. The market demands a total package of logistic solutions.
International transportation
This development is reinforced as the years go by in the 21st century. For Oldenburger|Fritom, this starts in 2005 with the demand of customers in the high-tech sector. In addition to their manufacturing premises in the Netherlands, they also choose to be located in Eastern European countries such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. That is why Oldenburger|Fritom decides to set up an innovative distribution network. Within this network, shipments are sent directly from the (Eastern European) factory locations to the end customers.
But it didn’t stop there. The suppliers of our customers are also often located in overseas countries. The same applies to various end customers. That is why Oldenburger|Fritom opened an office at Schiphol Airport in 2016. For the same reason we are a Regulated Agent and IATA member and have the AEO-C and AEO-S permits.
Sustainability commitment
Also, in the 21st century there is an increasing focus on sustainability and circular entrepreneurship. In relation to our road transportation, we therefore focus on the reduction of CO2 emissions. Among other things, by the use of Euro 6-engines and liquefied natural gas (LNG) trucks. By cooperating within the Fritom Group, we can increase the average load factor of our trucks and reduce empty kilometers.
Partly because of this, we have been able to add the Lean and Green Star Award to our extensive list of certifications. In 2022 we also focus on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030. Combined with our sustainable innovations, we try to respond flexibly to the supply chain challenges that our customers are now confronted with.